Tutorial B - pvfree
Tutorial B - pvfree#
Another option to get CEC module parameters is to use pvfree.
You can search the table of the CEC modules. Once you find the desired module, you can get a JSON dictionary of the CEC module parameters from the API. For example, Canadian Solar Inc. CS5P-220M can be downloaded from the API here: https://pvfree.azurewebsites.net/api/v1/cecmodule/1733/?format=json. You can copy and paste or use python to call the API.
The API also has search filters you can use. For example: https://pvfree.azurewebsites.net/api/v1/cecmodule/?format=json&Name__istartswith=canadian&STC__gt=219&STC__lt=221 searches for all modules starting with “canadian” and with nameplate between 219-W and 221-W which returns a list of 6 modules in a JSON dictionary. Limiting the short circuit currentl (Isc) to less than 6-A reduces this list to 2 modules.
# if running on google colab, uncomment the next line and execute this cell to install the dependencies and prevent "ModuleNotFoundError" in later cells:
# !pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PVSC-Python-Tutorials/PVPMC_2022/main/requirements.txt
import urllib, json
params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
'Name__istartswith': 'canadian',
'STC__gt': 219, 'STC__lt': 221,
'I_sc_ref__lt': 6})
with urllib.request.urlopen(f'https://pvfree.azurewebsites.net/api/v1/cecmodule/?{params}') as fp:
cs_220_mods = json.load(fp)
print(f"Total count of Canadian Solar 220-W with Isc < 6A: {cs_220_mods['meta']['total_count']}")
Total count of Canadian Solar 220-W with Isc < 6A: 2
[{'A_c': 1.7,
'Adjust': 8.619516,
'BIPV': False,
'Bifacial': False,
'Date': '2018-11-04',
'I_L_ref': 5.11426,
'I_mp_ref': 4.69,
'I_o_ref': 8.102508e-10,
'I_sc_ref': 5.1,
'Length': 1.602,
'N_s': 96,
'Name': 'Canadian Solar Inc. CS5P-220M',
'PTC': 200.1,
'R_s': 1.066023,
'R_sh_ref': 381.254425,
'STC': 219.961,
'T_NOCT': 42.4,
'Technology': 'Mono-c-Si',
'V_mp_ref': 46.9,
'V_oc_ref': 59.4,
'Version': 'SAM 2018.10.29',
'Width': 1.061,
'a_ref': 2.635926,
'alpha_sc': 0.004539,
'beta_oc': -0.222156,
'created_on': '2019-02-12',
'gamma_r': -0.476,
'id': 1733,
'modified_on': '2019-02-12',
'resource_uri': '/api/v1/cecmodule/1733/'},
{'A_c': 1.639,
'Adjust': 2.227195,
'BIPV': False,
'Bifacial': False,
'Date': '2018-11-04',
'I_L_ref': 5.05607,
'I_mp_ref': 4.73,
'I_o_ref': 9.957448e-11,
'I_sc_ref': 5.05,
'Length': 1.579,
'N_s': 96,
'Name': 'Canadian Solar Inc. CS5P-220P',
'PTC': 193.1,
'R_s': 1.00467,
'R_sh_ref': 835.904785,
'STC': 220.418,
'T_NOCT': 51.4,
'Technology': 'Multi-c-Si',
'V_mp_ref': 46.6,
'V_oc_ref': 58.3,
'Version': 'SAM 2018.10.29',
'Width': 1.038,
'a_ref': 2.366377,
'alpha_sc': 0.0025,
'beta_oc': -0.196588,
'created_on': '2019-02-12',
'gamma_r': -0.43,
'id': 1734,
'modified_on': '2019-02-12',
'resource_uri': '/api/v1/cecmodule/1734/'}]
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